Planned Giving


It is my privilege to serve you as the Director of Planned Giving & Trust Services for Northern New England Conference (NNEC). The purpose of this website and our office is to educate and inform our members and friends interested in supporting the various ministries and programs of NNEC of ways this might be done. It is also our desire that this information can be useful for ensuring that our families are being well cared for through the variety of options available that are discussed in some detail throughout this site. That said, it is important that I clarify our purpose for sharing this information by way of a DISCLAIMER:

Our purpose is NOT to give advice, provide legal counsel, or be your financial advisor. Our objective is to help you understand options that may be useful for you to discuss with legal counsel or your financial advisor. You may find many helpful ideas to consider as you examine the resources found here and through our office. You are encouraged to contact our office if we can provide clarification or further resources regarding the information you find on this site.

Yours sincerely,

Glenn Holland
Charitable Gift Annuity

A charitable gift annuity is a great way you can make a gift to our organization and benefit. You transfer your cash or property to our organization and we promise to make fixed payments to you for life at a rate based on your age.
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